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You just know my name, not my game xD I post about my life, make up, fashion because they are my passions ^.^

24 August 2012



All of us want an everlasting relationship lah kan of course. We always imagine that we will be happy here ever after with our partner. But, you know, sometimes things don’t happen according what we’ve planned -.-

So sad, kan?

I’ve been through this ‘clash thingy’ once. I admit lah of course I was like why we were over? Why he doesn’t love me anymore? Why he did that to me? Like why? Why? WHY?!, pftttttt-

And honestly, I don’t want my current relationship end up like that again, phewwww`

Then one fine day, I was like scrolled down my news feed on Facebook and people were like “I’m single”, “We are not a couple anymore”, “He cheated” blah blah blah something like that lah kan. Then I updated my status like, “Sekarang niyh musim orang putus cinta ker?”

You know what? I feel bad for them. I know how it feels.

But, girls, you can get through this alone! LIKE SERIOUSLY! O.o

Don’t check his Facebook, Twitter or Blog just to find what he’s doing without you. Don’t text him, don’t chat with him, don’t BBM him, because when you don’t get any reply you will be more frustrated if you find out that he’s doing well without you. You have to prove to him that you can live your life well without him too. Just don’t care what he will do with his life, just care about yours. You will be more happy if you careless about him and make him realise that you are great and independent without someone call as boyfriend.

You are single now, but believe me, if he is the one, he will go nowhere. If you are meant to be together, you will be. Kalau jodoh tak ke mana, aye?

Just believe, if he is the one, he will come back to you. If he doesn’t, don’t forget that there are 7 billion people out there, he is not the only guy in this world.

I know that sometimes you just can’t get through this entire situation because you love him so much. Someone taught me that love needs two people who are agree to give full commitment to each other. But, if one of them let that responsibility away, so it doesn’t matter if you are the only one who fights for this relationship.

It’s not worth it.

If you really love yourself, sure you wanna give the best for yourself. Why do you want to waste your time to someone who doesn’t give his best to you? If he really loves you, he will accept all of your weakness and flaws.

...and what if he doesn’t?

Well, you know what you have to do.



So, girls, I’m not saying that I have a perfect relationship ever, like duhhhhh-

But I bet I’ve learned my lessons.


Be with the right person, and you will be happy.

This is not a story that my relationship is end already, we are still and I hope it will be last forever.

I wish he will understand my crazy bitch behaviour because truly deep inside, I don’t wanna lose him.

I love him til infinity.

*eyyuuuu, jiwang nyewwwwww! Hehe

NEXT : SMK Bandar Tenggara 2.

02 June 2012

Sembilan belas tahun empat hari.


Alkisah 29th May hari tu is my 19th birthday. Weeheee~ Dah 19 dah aku. Rasa macam tak percaya pulak. 19 tahun maknanya tahun last aku jadi budak sekolah. Tahun aku akan hadapi STPM, pheww Seram siot :D

Pukul 0000 on my birthday tu aku still on9 pastu dapat wishes korang kat Facebook, Twitter even via my phone. Terima kasih banyak banyak! Sayang korang lebeyh cengginy, hewheww

On my birthday pagi tu ada kelas BM. Habis kelas BM terus kena bash dengan kawan kawan aku yang awesome beli kan kek blueberry untuk aku. Hewheww, mak suka nakk! Terima kasih banyak banyak sebab aku memang suka blueberry, hehe

Bestlah kan sebab nyanyi nyanyi lagi Happy Birthday jap lagi lilin tak nyala sebab tak ada lighter aceyh Dah habis nyanyi lagu aku pun berlakon arh konon konon lilin tu bernyala pastu aku tiup, hehe Apa apa pun korang memang yang terbaik, sayang korang lebeyh hewhewww

Aku dapat kek coklat atas dia ada badam dari Wawa. Memang terbaik. Sedap giler kek dia boleyh? Nak lagi! Nak lagi! Hehe Terima kasih Wawa cantik, sayang awak lebih <3

Pastu on 30th May, boyfriend hantar hadiah kat rumah. Banyak kali dia mintak maaf sebab hantar hadiah lambat pastu sebelum dia hantar hadiah tu dia asyik merungut jer tak ada transport nak hantar hadiah tu kat rumah aku. Ntah apa dia nak bagi pun aku tak tahulah kan. Aku cakap dengan dia, lekluuuu, kalau tak dapat hantar on my birthday hantar esok esok kan boleyhh >.<

Aku dah dapat hadiahnya tapi aku tak nak bagitahu boyfriend bagi hadiah apa kat aku. Tapi cukup aku cakap yang aku terharu dia buat macam tu *nangis kejap* Sayang yew lebihh darling <3 hewhewwww :’)

So, sekarang aku kena sedar diri yang aku dah sembilan belas tahun. OMJ, I can’t even believe it! Next year aku dah dua puluh tahun. Aku tak ada wish apa apa unless aku dapat buat yang paling awesome for my STPM hujung tahun niyh. Sumpah mak cuakk nakk! >.< Aku harap aku dapat result yang awesome and by next year aku dapat gerak pergi university idaman aku, dapat genggam ijazah and dapat kerja yang bagus & baik baik.

Nothing I wished for just to make my parent happy with my achievement. Aminnn~

Ouh, sebelum aku terlupa, Justin Bieber pun ada bagi birthday present kat aku! OMJ OMJ! Single baru dia ‘Die In Your Arms’ has been released on my freaking birthday!!! Korang tak tahu betapa happy nya aku bila dapat tahu lagu tu release masa birthday aku! Weheeeeee~ Thank yew Justin! Even you have no idea who I am but just so you know that I’m your biggest fan and I’m so happy! Hehe

So, boyfriend, adil arh kan. Justin’s first single yang ‘Boyfriend’ tu released masa your birthday, but guess what, Justin never forget me sayang. That’s why he released his new single on my birthday, blahhhhhh-

Aku cakap dengan boyfriend, ntah ntah Justin tu kenal kita, sebab tu dia saja released lagu lagu dia masa birthday kita.

Well, who knows? Hewhewww~

Ouh, BTW, happy belated birthday to my twins Fahim and Diela. I know Fahim since kindergarten and we ever studied in a same class when we were twelve. I know Diela 2 years ago via Facebook. Ouh yeah, we shared the same birthdate and we are nineteen already, hewheww

That’s it. Thank for reading. You guys are awesome as always.

*follow me on Twitter @ANGELiyka
*aku tak sombong, aku balas semua tweet korang, kalau tak percaya cuba tweet aku, hewhewww

Eyebag aku makin harimakin teruk because I'm awesome liddat, phewwww~

31 March 2012



Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas. 

Talasemia (bahasa Inggeris: Thalassaemia) adalah penyakit kecacatan darah. Talasemia merupakan keadaan yang diwarisi, iaitu diwariskan dari keluarga kepada anak. Kecacatan gen menyebabkan hemoglobin dalam sel darah merah menjadi tidak normal. Mereka yang mempunyai penyakit Talasemia tidak dapat menghasilkan hemoglobin yang mencukupi dalam darah mereka. Hemoglobin adalah bahagian sel darah merah yang mengangkut oksigen daripada paru-paru keseluruh tubuh. Semua tisu tubuh manusia memerlukan oksigen. Akibat kekurangan sel darah merah yang normal akan menyebabkan pesakit kelihatan pucat kerana paras hemoglobin (Hb) yang rendah (anemia). Sel darah merah bertugas membekalkan oksigen kepada tisu dalam badan manusia. Kekurangan sel darah merah bagi membekalkan oksigen akan mengakibatkan pesakit talasemia berasa lesu, tidak bermaya, dan mungkin sesak nafas sekiranya paras hemoglobin semakin menurun. Mereka yang mengidap Thalassaemia tidak mampu membekalkan seluruh sel tubuh mereka dengan bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi akibat kekurangan hemoglobin dalam sel darah merah. Tisu yang ketiadaan oksigen gagal berfungsi dengan baik. Dengan itu tubuh mereka menjadi lemah, gagal berkembang dengan baik, dan mereka boleh menjadi sakit teruk. Pesakit Talasemia biasanya mempunyai paras hemoglobin yang rendah iaitu kurang daripada 10g/dl. Mereka yang mengidap Talasemia mempunyai kelebihan melawan penyakit Malaria.  

Jenis Talasemia 

Terdapat dua jenis Talasemia iaitu: 
1. Talasemia minor : Talasemia minor merujuk kepada mereka yang mempunyai kecacatan gen talasemia tetapi tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda talasemia atau pembawa. 
2. Talasemia major : Talasemia major merujuk kepada mereka yang mempunyai baka talasemia sepenuhnya dan menunjukkan tanda-tanda talasemia. 

Pesakit Talasemia 

Sekiranya kedua-dua ibu dan bapa adalah pembawa keadaan berikut boleh berlaku; 
- 25% kemungkinan anak mereka adalah pesakit Talasemia
- 50% kemungkinan anak mereka adalah pembawa
- 25% kemungkinan anak mereka adalah normal 

Tanda dan gejala penyakit Talasemia 

- Biasanya anak-anak pembawa Talasemia kelihatan normal sewaktu dilahirkan. Bagaimanapun, mereka akan mulai mengalami masalah anemia yang serius apabila mencapai usia di antara 13 hingga 18 bulan. 
- Tubuh pucat,lemah, dan gelisah. 
- Anemia yang serius boleh menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas. 
- Jaundis 
- Tumbesaran terbantut 
- Perut buncit disebabkan pembengkakan hati dan limpa. 
- Perubahan pembentukan tulang muka, pipi, dan rahang yang tidak normal(tanda lewat).

Terima kasih pak cik Wiki! <3

Hari Selasa lepas (27 Mac 2012), budak budak Form 6 sekolah aku kena ambil darah sebab nak check thalasemia niyh la. Pergh, niyh first time kod aku ambil darah. Aku tak takut. Tapi dalam tu nebes la jugak Hehe Bila nurse tu dah bagi taklimat bagai, kitorang kena isi borang then nak kena inject la kan. Cuak jugak tengok budak budak niyh kena inject. Mula mula budak lelaki yang kena pastu budak perempuan ikut nama dalam register. Aku number 14. Awesome much.

Masa dah duduk tu nak kena inject, aku rasa cuak jugak tapi gwa relax jer bro. Kata gangster, kan. Setakat jarum injection tu, alahayyy :D

Hehe, ish, tak baik berlagak -.-

Nak dijadikan cerita, sebab kalau tak cerita nanty dia tak jadi, sebab tu nak kena cerita barulah dia jadi cerita, kan? :D Tak pun sebab dah jodoh kan, hehe Bila budak budak lelaki semua dah kena inject, turn budak perempuan pulak. Lepas tu aku perasan yang nurse tu tak panggil nama boyfie. Yelar, budak lelaki kelas aku enam orang jer kod. Yang lagi 17 semua perempuan. Kalau kurang sorang senang sangat nak detect. Masa tu ada dua orang nurse yang inject kitorang. So, dua orang akan kena inject dalam masa yang sama. Nurse tu dua dua perempuan, sorang Indian, sorang lagi Malay. Hujung hujung dah sampai turn aku number 14, nurse Indian tu panggil aku. Yelar aku duduklah kan.

Jap lagi nurse yang Malay tu panggil si boyfie niyh pulak sebab dia belum kena inject lagi. So, kitorang dapat turn yang sama. Dia duduk sana dengan jam awesome dia tu yang kaler kaler bagay meriah mak nahh (haha), aku duduk sebelah siniyh dengan jam pink aku yang blink blink kadang kadang tak jugak.

Well, benda tak dirancang, kan, hehe.

Ejad nak pitam. Kyra nangis. Wawa, iQa dgn aku maintain gengster HAHA

Lepas dah ambil darah tu badan aku jadi lemah giler lepas tu masuk kelas senyap jer semua, hehe Pelik kelas aku kalau senyap :D

p/s : aku tanya boyfie, kalau dua dua ada thalasemia cam ner? Dy jawab, “Ntah…” :’)

30 March 2012



Yeah mann, link baru, template baru, layout baru, warna baru, header jer tak buat lagi, ahakss!

Telah terdetik dalam hati aku pada suatu hari yang aku nak tukar link blog aku niyh hah. Sebelum ini blog aku known as percikanmerahjambu.bp.com tapi dah tukar kepada fadylala.bp.com. Senang nak ingat, hehe. Setelah lebih tiga tahun aku guna percikanmerahjambu as the link of my blog, then semalam semalam aku tukar link blog niyh. So, lepak kat siniyh jer tau, tak payah pergi percikanmerahjambu ker hapa kejadahh :D

Kenapa ‘fadylala’? Sebab nama aku tu, Fadhilla. Aku commercial kan nama aku jadi Fadyla. Sebab kawan kawan aku kalau eja nama aku jadi ‘Dyla’. So, aku tambah jer ‘Fa’ kat depan. Jadi arh Fadyla = Fadhilla. Kenapa ada ‘la’ kat belakang. Alkisah, kalau korang tahu, Justin Bieber ada lagu dengan Boyz II Men tajuk dia ‘Fa La La’ Instead of nyanyi ‘Fa la la la la~’, aku selalu tukar lirik tu jadi ‘Fa dy la la la~’. Hehe Cenggitu lah alkisahnya. So, kalau korang nak type link blog aku, jangan lupa nyanyi dulu, hehe

Aku pilih warna pastel, warna yang lembut lembut gittew, sebab aku rasa macam nyaman jer kalau pandang warna warna cengginy. So,  instead of aku pilih warna warna striking, macam pink terang, blend dengan kuning or whatever major loser, aku decided nak guna warna pastel jer. Tenang jer rasa, aceceyhh :D

Header tu aku tak edit lagi. Nanti nanti arh, aku edit bagi cantik awesome tertarik menarik menawan tertawan nanty header aku. Hehe >.<

Aku ada gossip pasal aktiviti mural aku kat sekolah. Nanti kita gossip okay? Hehe

Thanks for reading! ^.^

07 February 2012

...dan tak semestinya couple is trouble.


Jam sekarang tepat pukul 12:47am, baru balik hang out dengan my bestfriends lah pergi JB. Aku tengah baring atas katil sambil menaip entry niyh. Normally, aku akan type dulu entry yang nak dipost sebelum aku post dalam blog. Eleyh, macam lah korang tak buat macam aku, hehe

Single is simple. Couple is trouble.

Kadang tak jugak dowh.

Maybe in term of “simple” in that phrase macam tak payah nak jaga hati kapel, tak payah nak inform kalau pergi mana mana, boleyh mesej dengan siapa siapa jer yang korang suka, boleh nak buat itu, buat ini, tanpa dikongkong, aceceyhhh. Tapi kalau korang tak payah nak jaga hati kapel, korang kena jaga hati parent, kawan kawan gak arn? Lagi lagi kalau ada konflik dengan parent korang, masalah gaduh dengan bestfriend korang.

Trouble gak uhh.

Couple is trouble pulak, pada aku lah macam time gaduh arh, ish, tak awesome dowh. Pastu kadang kadang kena jaga hati dia, takut kecik hati merajuk, kena inform kalau nak pergi mana mana, tak leyh nak mesej orang lain sangat nanti jadi isu dowh, nanty tak leyh nak keluar dengan orang lain sangat nanti jeles, ishh, rimas siot. Tapi kadang tak jugak, kalau korang treat your kapel as friend and as a special one, you will understand and saling toleransi.

Prinsip aku senang jer, what goes around comes around baby. Kalau tak nak apa apa benda yang tak best jadi kat korang, you shouldn’t do that to others lah kan. So, bagi aku, bila aku buat something I will always like fikir tau apa effect dia kat orang sekeliling and how if aku pulak yang kena one day. Treat people like you wanna be treated.

Aku pulak jenis yang macam yelar, kita kan hidup kena ramai kawan. So, when someone text me (opposite gender lah of course), even he is my friend kan, I will think how if some girls text my boyfriend too. Yeah, I will get jealous lah of course, and when I text my guy friends, I consider my boyfriend will get jealous too. So, nahhh-

But aku bukan jenis yang tak bagi my boyfriend text perempuan lain langsung. Aku jenis yang tolerate. Comm’on lah, dah besar malas lah aku nak gaduh gaduh sebab ada kawan perempuan dia text dia. Bagi aku benda niyh perkara kecik jer, boleyh setel masa tu jugak. Lain arh kalau dia menggedik dengan perempuan lain, memang World War 3 jap lagi meletus, haha. Aku pun kadang kadang text or call tak pun they (my guy friends) text me or call me, tapi agak agak lah, bukan nya text like 24/7 or call 4 or 5 hours gittew pun. The priority is him lah, still.

Kalaulah dapat kapel yang nak sama sama belajar, lagi awesome. Sebab my boyfriend and I sama kelas, so macam ktorg selalu lah ingat kan each other, today we have to do this, we have to finish this homework, we have to read this read that. Senanglah sama kelas. Kalau dalam kelas masa belajar, he is not my boyfriend kejap, hehe. I will study and I let that feeling away. Lepas dah habis kelas baru dia jadi boyfriend aku. Lepas habis waktu sekolah dia dah jadi special boyfriend aku. HAHA

Tu akulah, tak tahu lah yang lain macam mana, hehe

Aku pun macam, of course lah aku nak study, aku nak masuk U. Alhamdulillah, I’m surrounding by my friends who want to study and always encourage me to reach my dreams. Siapa yang tak nak masuk U kan? Aku nak, sekarang goal aku tu jer. Aku nak masuk UiTm Shah Alam, amek bidang design. Sekarang aku nak belajar betul betul, dapat 4 flat, dapat biasiswa, kalau ada rezeki aku nak pergi luar Negara. Nak sambung belajar kat England tak pun Jerman. University aku tak pilih lagi mana satu, nanti aku buat research, hehe.

Bila orang lain tahu aku ambik keputusan to involve in this boyfie-girlfie relationship, satu yang dorang fikir;

Ala, boleyh perform lagi ker Dyla tu? Dia dah ada kapel. Takut dia tak focus jer.

InsyaAllah, aku boleyh. Aku yakin. Aku boleyh buat. Aku boleyh capai apa yang aku impikan. Taklah. Aku tak rasa situasi aku sebagai satu masalah. Aku ambil sebagai semangat dan cabaran. Semangat nak belajar, dalam kelas kena tunjuk aku lagi pandai dari dia, so he will know yang aku bukan macam perempuan lain, aceceyhh, bajet gilewwww. Cabaran nak bawak dia sama awesome macam aku walaupun aku tak adalah awesome mana. Tapi kalau boleyh aku nak dia sama sama belajar dan berjaya. At least aku dah ada nampak effort dia. Instead of my girl best friends yang empat orang tu kan, dia pun one of my bestfriend. I love my friends, so aku rasa macam my responsibility nak encourage dorang untuk belajar sama sama (macam good good jer, ahaks!)

Aku tak kisah lah orang nak cakap apa. Yang penting aku dapat apa yang aku nak. Hidup aku, aku yang decide. So, bila aku buat satu keputusan, that’s mean aku memang dah fikir masak masak.

People around me, siapa siapa yang tegur aku bila aku buat salah, terima kasih daun keladi beli sendiri, hehe

Bagi aku, kau single ker kau ada kapel ker, yang penting cara kau bawa diri. Maybe aku pernah buat kesilapan masa dulu, aku agas lagi, aku tak fikir, ikut jer bila orang buat something, aku nak ikot, memang agas aku dulu, bila fikir fikir balik kenapalah aku ikot jer apa yang orang lain nak, tapy sebenarnya aku tak nak pun, tapy ntahlah, dulu kecik kecik tak fikir lagi, ingat nak enjoy jer.

Tapy sekarang bila dah besar, baru aku faham. Isokeyy kalau aku let go something bad, yang kononnya boleyh bagi aku enjoy, duduk rumah pun boleyh happy jugak kan. So, dalam tempoh aku single aku fikir banyak benda, almost 2 years for me nak percayakan diri sendiri yang aku boleyh buat and I come up in this situation. Aku yakin aku boleyh, sebab tu aku tak takut.

Macam lagu AF tu, “Percaya pada diri dengan harapan dan keyakinan,” tu lah yang aku pegang. Aku percaya dan yakin pada kemampuan aku. Tapy aku tak ada lah over confident, aku manusia biasa jer, aku tahu limit diri aku sampai mana, tapy nothing’s impossible aye?

As the conclusion, pada pendapat aku, tak kisah lah korang single or korang ada kapel, yang penting jaga diri jelar. Tak semestinya orang yang single tu berjaya dan tak semestinya orang yang ada kapel tu tak boleyh nak berjaya. Masing masing punya pilihanlah kan, kalau nak gagal, gagal lah kau, kalau nak berjaya, cari alternative macam mana nak berjaya, as simple as that.

Cakap macam good good jer aku niyh HAHA

Okay, talk to you soon, thanks for reading! You guys are awesome as me, eyh, I mean; you guys are awesome as always! Hehe

04 February 2012

That relationships :)


I think everybody would say that their relationship is the awesome relationship ever in the world.

I guess, for happy couple lah kan, hehe

But if you are involve in a problem, risky or an unknown relationship because you keep it secret from others, that’s a different story.

I must say, I have a normal awesome relationship. We are a normal couple like other couple la kan of course. What I like about him is he isn’t only my boy friend, he is more like my best friend and I take it seriously. I can’t be with a person who just like me for my appearance, a person who thinks I’m prefect, a person who doesn’t like my bad behaviour, always wants me to look prefect, goshhhh- Puh-lease!

It’s not about the boyfie-girlfie relationship only, it’s about friendship too. If you can’t accept your friend’s bad behaviour, that’s not a real friendship. Nobody is flawless, nobody is perfect. I have beautiful best friends, but they have their bad habits too. As a real friend, we should understand and accept them for them. Not because they are pretty, always looking good, rich or smart. Sometimes, smart people do silly things too. Comm’on lah, they don’t facing their book like 24/7.

If we look at our self, we are not prefect too. I have some bad habits too and I’m searching for someone who can accept me for me. When I do silly things, when I do something wrong, when I look messy, when I do something that embarrass myself, and that would be a person who still loves me for me. Not for what I’ve done, and for what I stand for.

Just like you love your parent, even though they scold you, they are like bubbling about yourself and your life, you still love ‘em, aye? I know, sometimes it sucks, but everything happen for reason sayang. Your parent membebel because there is something wrong with you lah. Just like my teacher said, “Melayu mudah lupa, sebab tu kena dibebelkan selalu biar ingat,” hehe Sentap mak nak! :D

I’m thankful for what I have now. People around me, they are so damn freaking awesome. My parent, they know me well, even I know sometimes they have problem, but still, I got what I want. They are open about my relationship, and I can share my problem with them.

My best friends, they are freaking funny I tell you! I just can’t meet them and I will be like a crazy girl laughing all the time. They are so freaking hilarious and I’m happy with them. They always know how to cheer me up. But the most important is even though we are like the noisiest students in class, but I love our spirit. They always remind me to study, remind me about homework and tasks given by our teachers. I love that, we can laugh and be the most hilarious people in the school but still we study together and always remind each other about how important study is.

My boy-best-friend. He was like my friend before and now he is my best friend. We were like close to each other and now we are even closer. That’s why he is my boyfriend and my best friend. He knows how I am at class, how hilarious I am with my best friend, he sees my flaws, he knows how to make me smile, he knows how to do sweet little things that make me happy, and he has that spirit to study and we study together too. Yeah man, that’s why, I’m thankful for this relationship.

My teachers. They are like my mentors and my inspirations. IDK what to do without them. Because of them I can learn about life about what might happen in future. They teach me to do new thing and I learn it and I expert in it, that’s such a blessing to have that.

For that reasons, the relationship with Allah is the most important. If they aren’t because of His blessing and willing, I can’t get through all of that relationship. I will never meet them because of Him. I know one day we will separate to reach our dreams, to improve our self. But what I hope is we will not forget each other. I hope, I wish, InsyaAllah.

Ouh well, sorry for my first ever entry for this year. It’s February already and I just got some time to write and update my blog. Uhh, I’m so sorry. I hope I can update often. Pray for me.

Till then, I will talk to you very soon. Wassalam.