Aku tak tahulah nak panggil ni hobi ker apa tapi aku memang suka kumpul benda alah ni. Lagipun benda ni murah senang nak jumpa. Ada yang aku beli kat mall, kat pasar lambak pun ada, anywhere lah bila aku rasa cantik and cute I will buy it, hihi
Aku kumpul bows ni sejak last year. So, memang belum nak banyak lagi pun huhu
Selalu kalau beli bows ni dia will come as a pair. Tapi aku normally pakai satu jer. Banyak yang dah tinggal satu sebab kadang kadang yang couple dia aku bagi budak budak kecik yang datang rumah aku (since my mom dulu kerja kat kindergarten, ada jugak budak budak kecik yang lepak rumah aku), aku bagi kawan kawan, bagi sepupu aku yang kecik kecik tu lagi or siapa siapa lah yang aku nak bagi, hihik
Selalu aku pakai bows ni masa aku pakai tudung syria. Kekadang aku pakai dengan shawl jugak untuk feeling feeling kawai kan konon, puihhhhh-
So, picture above is my bows collection. Aku tak pernah pulak nak kira berapa bows yang aku ada hihi Aku simpan dalam a little pink transparent box so it's easier for me to match them with my outfit since I can see them through it, hehew
Aku divided my bows collection to four categories:
First : Double fabric.
Kenapa double fabric? Kalau korang tengok bows kat atas ni, dia ada dua layer. Macam yang coklat tu, base layer plain dark brown, atas pattern fabric. Basically, memang akan macam tu. Base layer plain jer, pastu di layer kan dengan pattern fabric which I think they are so cute and cantik! hihi
My favorite is the stripe one. I think it's unique. Selalu jumpa checkered or polkadot. Then I found the stripes, terus jatuh cinta pandang pertama you knows, hehew
Second : One Layer Pattern Fabric.
Category ni just normal. One layer fabric. Ada corak Louis Vouitton, Hearts, Polkadot, checkered and little flowers. My favorite is the yellow one. The bright yellow color with the white hearts seriously super cute! ME LOVE IT! ^.^
Third : Glitter.
Bows glitter macam ni memang susah nak cari. Aku pun baru jumpa dua jer, sedihhh *kesat hingus* In case you don't know, aku memang giler and obsessed dengan anything yang ada glitter on it. I'll be like so freaking excited kalau nampak anything yang ada glitter because they are So Freaking PRETTAYYYHHH!
Of courselah yang first aku beli ialah kaler pink, kan. Then other day I bought the cream one because it's to cute to handle, hihi
Fourth : So Random.
I think they are unique and cute instead :)
Honestly, I tell you, this is my first bow ever gave by my girlfriend Wawa! I remember she bought two bows and gave me this one which is I think it's so cute since I love Pastel Color so bad! Thanks Wawa >.<
What I love about this bow is the color. It's pastel yellow with little polkadot in peach. The jahitan kat tepi dia tu make it adorable too ^.^
I'm not so over in blue (but my blog is blue -.-), but I think sometimes blue is pretty and calm too. I don't know why I bought this, but I love the combination. Dark blue-green, light blue and maroon polkadot really make it so calm...for me.
I bought this because I feel the corak macam baju kurung! That's it, haha Of course lah aku beli yang kaler pink like duhhhhh-
I bought this so I can have an matching leopard outfit whenever I hang out one day :D
Again, I don't know why I bought this blue bow. I SHOULD buy pink you know what I mean? -.-'
Anyways, it's pretty for me. Rasa tenang jer, hihi
And this is a bigger bow I bought at mall last year. SALE time everybody. Takkan nak lepaskan hihi
Aku beli bow ni sebab ada blinkies kat tengah tengah tu kalau korang perasan. It's pink lah of course my favorite with blue-green polkadot. TOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!~
This is my favorite color too. Aku tak tahu ni kaler apa. Tapi Wawa ajar aku yang ni kaler peachy pink. Okay, ACCEPTED! Hihi
Aku beli bow ni sebab kaler peachy pink tu la. Cantik jer. Thumbs up!
Ohh, over rated. Salah satu function bow ini ialah sebagai penghias kad matrik aku masa kat sekolah dulu. Uniform aku kaler biru, so I will match my bows with my outfit.
Kalau pakai uniform sekolah kaler biru aku akan pakay bow kaler biru. Kalau pakai baju pengakap kaler kelabu, aku pakai bow black and white. Kalau pakai baju batik yang 1Malaysia tu, aku akan pakai bow kaler merah. Kalau hari sukan, aku rumah Kuning, so aku akan pakai bow kaler kuning.
Yeahhh- *angkat kening*
Aku tak tahu apa kejadah benda ni. Aku beli this phone accessory kat Mekap. Benda ni cute sangat PLUS it's bow and PINKKK! Macam mana ahh aku boleh tak beli? Mestilah aku beli, hihikk
Beli kaler pink so I can match it with my phone case, yiihaaaaaaaaa~
Close up sikit. Benda letak dekat earphone hole kat phone korang. Lucky me because my earphone hole kat atas, it stands cutely and rightly! Sebab ada some phone yang earphone hole dia kat bawah, awkward okayy. So awkward kalau letak benda ni kat bahagian bawah -.-'
I will show you some pictures yang ada aku lah of course and the way I wear those bows .
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Orange one layer polkadot bow. |
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Double fabric in polkadot pink bow. |
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Pastel yellow with little polkadot in peach bow. |
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and sometimes I will cutify my bag with those bows, yihiii~ |
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Peachy pink bow. |
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One layer checkered in red bow. |
Ramai yang dah pakai style cenggini sebenarnya. Tak kira lah size apa with shawl or syria, as long as you happy and feel confident about that, so just ROCK IT GIRL, YEAYY!
Oh yaa, if you follow my tumblr, you probably will know what's my next entry on my blogspot. Because normally I will post the pictures on my blogspot to my tumblr blog. Macam gambar bows dalam entry ni sebenarnya aku dah post dalam my tumblr dulu baru post entry kat sini, hihi
Nak tahu what I will membebel in my next entry? Jom ushar my tumblr blog;
p/s : orang dulu kumpul setem, aku kumpul reben kejadah. zaman berubahlah uolls.
Thanks for reading! May Allah bless you always, aminnnn~ !